Moon and met up with Ash, his friends and scientist Seymour. In S1E6, Clefairy and the Moon Stone, they appeared digging the Mt. Later they appeared at the Route 3, now digging with a drill, when they were about to get out of tunnel Ash, Misty and Brock (it was first time, when they met him) accidently stepped on them, they started to cuss and fall into the tunnel. When the trap was masked they forgot where it was and fall into it. In S1E5, Showdown in Pewter City, they were digging a trap with shovels and reciting the motto, but Meowth stopped them, because they had a lack of time, so they continued to work. Then, Beedrill made a cocons of them and they started to cuss, waking up Bug-types again.

They wanted to use paper tank, but it was destroyed by Weedle, so they decided to run. During chase Ash dodged from a flock of Beedrill, when Team Rocket didn't. After this Jessie and James said to give them Pikachu, but Ash ran away and Team Rocket started to chase him. Next day, Meowth met Ash in forest and Team Rocket recited motto to him and accidently woke up Beedrill, despite Ash warned them. Then Jessie and James tired of carrying Meowth, so they threw it down. In S1E4, Challenge of the Samurai, they appeared running in the Viridian Forest, using their " Anti-Beedrill Tank" of paper with Meowth sunbathing on it. During the battle Ash's Caterpie used String Shot, it made Team Rocket's Pokémon unable to move, Team Rocket said that they are blasting off, but, they'll be back and ran away, leaving the red rose behind. Team Rocket recited their motto and stated, that they want Ash's Pikachu and sent out their Pokémon to start a battle. In S1E3, Ash Catches a Pokémon, they appear when Ash and Misty were cussing about Caterpie in Viridian Forest. After this, trio were determined to get the Pikachu, because it seems overpowered. All the Pikachu from PokéCenter healed the Ash's Pikachu and it attacked Jessie and James, causing them to blast off into the space and PokéCenter to explode. They met Ash Ketchum, Misty and injured Ash's Pikachu, but state, that they don't need it and starting the battle to steal the other Pokémon. Then, trio appears in PokéCenter and pronounce their Motto. Near PokéCenter they threw their PokéBalls into the glass on the roof and their Pokémon, Ekans and Koffing appears. She with her partners, James and talking Meowth flew on their Hot-Air Balloon, removing their Wanted posters. In S1E2, Pokémon Emergency, she appears as a B-Ranked agent.