Potential we considered two-photon Raman photoassociation for coherentĬonversion of atoms to molecules. Starting with the atomic condensate in the double well
PMID 24712299.Download a PDF of the paper titled Control of the vortex lattice formation in coupled atom-molecular Bose-Einstein condensate in a double well potential: Role of atom-molecule coupling, trap rotation frequency and detuning, by Moumita Gupta and Krishna Rai Dastidar Download PDF Abstract: We study the vortex formation in coupled atomic and molecular condensates inĪ rotating double well trap by numerically solving the coupled Gross-Pitaevskii "Next-Generation in Situ Hybridization Chain Reaction: Higher Gain, Lower Cost, Greater Durability". ^ a b "Scalable CVD process for making 2-D molybdenum diselenide".The Preparation and Properties of Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Single Crystals. Heben, M Formation of Nanooctahedra in Molybdenum Disulfide and Molybdenum Diselenide Using Pulsed Vapor Transport doi: 10.1021/jp036202 "Electronics and optoelectronics of two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides". ^ Wang, Qing Hua Kalantar-Zadeh, Kourosh Kis, Andras Coleman, Jonathan N."Molybdenum Diselenide ( MoSeĢ) for Energy Storage, Catalysis, and Optoelectronics". "Growth conditions and structural characterization of MoSe xTe 2−x (0 ⩽ x ⩽ 2) single crystals". "Optical polarization and intervalley scattering in single layers of MoS 2 and MoSe 2". "Thickness and strain effects on electronic structures of transition metal dichalcogenides: 2H- MX 2 semiconductors ( M = Mo, W X = S, Se, Te)". CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (92nd ed.). "Nanoforging Single Layer MoSe 2 Through Defect Engineering with Focused Helium Ion Beams". Xiao, Kai Belianinov, Alex Ovchinnikova, Olga S. Lin, Ming-Wei Li, Xufan Mahjouri-Samani, Masoud Jesse, Stephen Sumpter, Bobby G. ^ Iberi, Vighter Liang, Liangbo Ievlev, Anton V.Molybdenum(IV) selenide occurs in the nature as the extremely rare mineral drysdallite. In contrast to graphene, 2D- MoSeĢ has a direct band gap, suggesting applications in transistors and photodetectors. Ģ is significantly higher than that of 2D- MoSĢ adopts structures reminiscent of graphene, although the latter's electron mobility is thousands of times greater still. The synthesis reaction of MoSeĢ are produced by scotch tape exfoliation from bulk crystals or by chemical vapor deposition (CVD). Excess selenium can be removed by sublimation under vacuum. Stoichiometric layers crystallize in a hexagonal structure as the sample cools. It has to be heated very gradually to prevent explosion due to its strong exothermic reaction. Chemical vapor transport with a halogen (usually bromine or iodine) is used to purify the compound at very low pressure (less than 10-6 torr) and very high temperature (600–700 ☌). Synthesis Ģ involves direct reaction of molybdenum and selenium in a sealed tube at high temperature. The coordination geometry of the Mo is sometimes found as octahedral and trigonal prismatic. The metal ion in these compounds is surrounded by six Se 2− The most common form of these TMDCs have trilayers of molybdenum sandwiched between selenium ions causing a trigonal prismatic metal bonding coordination, but it is octahedral when the compound is exfoliated. These interactions lead to exfoliation into two-dimensional layers of single unit cell thickness. Structure Ģ is a layered material with strong in-plane bonding and weak out-of-plane interactions. Compared to MoSĢ exhibits higher electrical conductivity. These compounds, as the name suggests, are made up of a transition metals and elements of group 16 on the periodic table of the elements. Compounds of this category are known as transition metal dichalcogenides, abbreviated TMDCs. Its structure is similar to that of MoSĢ. 2) is an inorganic compound of molybdenum and selenium.