"Watch your step, I tend to get under foot."."Keep your enemies on their back heel."."You watching Zo? This is how it's done.".

At levels 7-9, she recharges one mine every 75 seconds. Ela recharges one mine every 90 seconds, at levels 1-6.While the Grzmot Mine is arming itself a visual radius will appear on screen to show the player how far the mine can be triggered.After sticking to a surface, Grzmot Mines take a second to arm itself, after which it can detonate if it is triggered.Although in-game, the "sticky bag" on the Mines puffs up over time, this is only a visual effect there is no need to wait for it before tossing the Mine onto the desired surface.Ela's Grzmot Mines can be thrown and stuck to any surface, whether if it be walls, ceilings, floors, or even furniture.

When Ela reaches Advancement level 10, her capacity of mines increase to four. These mines will recharge over time and are useful for area defense around objectives, as well as stunning elites and armored enemies for Takedowns. A Light Armored Operator, Ela comes equipped with three Grzmot Mines sticky proximity mines that release a concussive blast to disorient any enemy within range.